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Having sat for ages reading the wall and the to-ing and fro-ing about animals and the council lets just remember a few things folks.
1. the coucil have been in power for less than a month and it takes a while to work out what the heck has been going on for the last 4 years.
2. I am a pet owner myself and although i am very concerned about animal welfare i am more concerned about the welfare of people, and we seem to spend huge amounts of money taking in, treating and feeding hundreds of animals while people and i mean human beings are begging and eating from bins on a daily basis. so where do our priorities lie.
3. for the last 4 years massive amounts of money have been spent on the pueblo by the previous administration whilst the Urb has been left very much alone with just a few token gestures to keep the peace.
4. We have not just one councillor representing the Urb but a multinational team who are working constantly to support our councillor and get the voice of the Urb heard.
although a lot has been said about the wages these people are receiving, i for one think that if the urb benefits then they are worth every cent..
5. We live in Spain in case some of you hadn't noticed, what gives us the right to impose our foreign ideals on another sovereign country, we all like our english food and bars and newspapers etc but in the end we have no right to impose our ways of life on the Locals, When it happens in the UK which it does there is uproar and the rising of the nationalist community which we then call racist, lets just make up our mind folks and decide if we want to live in Spain with Spanish Culture or do we want to Bring Bognor To the Costas (No Offence to Bognorians Intended)
6. As for the Council having lied to the people are you saying that the last 4 years that every word that has come from the council office has been as pure as driven snow, or underneath the crispy white coating we have been fed a load of muddy slush. i for one cant wait to find out.......
Ive no doubt that i will be slated for some of the comments i have made but hey ho, lets just give the new administration a chance to sort things out and time will tell wether we have made the right decision about who to vote in, and who to kick out otherwise people in 4 years you will have another chance to make a difference by getting off your backsides and making sure that you are eligible to vote and then actually voting.....
Bearing in mind that acording to the website only 1102 votes were cast on the urbanisation if thats all that were eligable to vote seems like an awful waste of space.
Yours sincerely
(Holds hands over ears and awaits backlash with interest)

La Marina

Well put agree with most of what you said. We all await some sensible answers from the new team with abated breath.

Now that we have this free and open forum I feel that comments and feelings can be broadcast as to what we all think.

Commented Alice in Rentals in Spain 2011-06-29 14:46:06 UTC

I LOVE IT....give this person a medal infact i'll even go buy you one from the merca china....Could not have said it any better myself...

Commented Andi in La Marina 2011-06-29 14:50:28 UTC

Bravo Curious - Extremely well said (or should I say typed). I would say that the backlash will come this evening.

Commented QueenBee in La Marina 2011-06-29 15:19:47 UTC

Well said - and I'm sure I saw the animal transport today - and youre spot on - with everything you said - well written and obviously well thought about

Commented Souxie in La Marina 2011-06-29 16:19:34 UTC

I commented last week on the fact that we only pay about 1/10th of what we would be paying in council charges in the UK, and for that, you get your rubbish collected everyday. For the money we are paying I think we get a good service. You would all be up in arms if our Tax went up in line with England. So stop moaning so much and count your blessing. I notice no one answered me last time!

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-06-29 17:20:37 UTC

Maybe everyone's scared of you Eve ha ha lol xx

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-06-29 17:42:53 UTC

I doubt they are frightened of me, but, I would like to see one of them put up for the council. It does not matter who gets in, they will not please everybody.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-06-29 18:55:07 UTC

WOW, someone who can make sense and doesn,t try to stab anyone in the back. I cannot believe the low number of votes registered, how many that have written in complaining didn,t vote.

Commented jaytee in La Marina 2011-06-29 19:12:32 UTC

Well said Eva, If God was elected mayor im sure someone would complain about it, i have sat for the last few weeks watching the claim and counter claims emerging from various political camps, and felt it was time to speak out, it is nice to see that i am not alone in my thoughts, My concern is that the rumourmongers will sway people to accept their point of view as fact, when in reality some of the so called exact translations of articles in the newspapers have been added to by the translators in such a way to seem that the original authors have radically different points of view to what they do in reality. i have seen copies of "Contracts" appear on websites when translated correctly actually say nothing like what the "translation" claims. I have heard the concerns of ordinary people who are confused because the town hall has not denied some bizarre accusations, i say to them that maybe the council is preparing irrefutable proof of wrongdoing or simply see's the accusations as the last death rattles of a beaten opposition. For the people who cry out that animals are killed after 10 days regardless of health or re-homability i ask where exactly do you get your facts. do you personally visit the "Hell Holes" or do you simply follow the flock which is being driven by the sheepdog.
Do you honestly believe that the shining jewel of the RSPCA never put unhomable or desperately sick and dying animals to sleep??
The Animal transport van had a specific purpose to collect animals and hand them over to the various animal charities, yet i ask how many of those charities had any use of the vehicle other than K9 and if an alternative can be found that is cost effective do we say no because we can afford to??

I am not saying that animals should be put down willy nilly tho im sure someone will say i am, my point is to make the future of the animals certain and secure we have to increase the number of humans available to care for them.
How many animals have been abandoned by people returning to their native lands because they can no longer afford to stay??
Should we not first improve the economic situation of the area, by making it more attractive to tourists which then breeds more jobs in the service and hospitality industries and therefore the other industries that service them.
Jobs create wealth and therefore the ability to keep animals as pets.
I have heard that our new Mayor has recently increased the opening hours and relaxed entertainment rules to benefit the bars, I say good on you because if people want to spend a little longer listening to a good band whilst enjoying a drink, let them. that will attract people from other areas that have draconian rules on entertainment to come here and spend money creating wealth. It is now up to the owners of the bars to use this relaxation wisely, and for those who live opposite bars and complain constantly about noise i ask, would you rather have silence and abject poverty or a healthy economy and if you bought your house opposite a bar i ask...What did you expect?? once again going back to my earlier comment about imposing minority will on a majority population,
I have no doubt i will upset someone with my comments but hey ho I'm not God, i'm just Curious

Commented Richie in La Marina 2011-06-29 21:49:20 UTC

hear, hear. Get over it (I mean the old council) & see what the new one brings in (council) give it time. also a good bar to go to is AJ´s in the grey area. Good food and friendly staff

Commented susan in La Marina 2011-06-30 06:46:33 UTC

The British councillors overpaid, inexperienced employees/friends are trying to deceive people on a public forum, they claim that canceling K9 and the animal ambulance is to save money to spend elsewhere when in fact the council will be paying roughly the same amount to Cereco to kill animals after just 10 days! This added to the lies Mr Wiszniewski has also said on the public forum regarding the animal ambulance is not the greatest start from a councillor, lets just hope those 208 people who voted for Mr Wiszniewski don't regret wasting their vote and we start seeing something that will benefit the Urb, I'm not holding my breath

Yet another pile of bile on the website that laughingly names itself la marina information, a site i may add that you cannot comment on or post replys on, which leaves me asking why are they so afraid to have public reaction.
So i am copying and pasting it here word for word to allow people the opportunity to actually reply, i noticed that the administrator of that site also posts on this site yet will not allow people to reply or contradict her.
Fill ya boots folks


Commented Richie in La Marina 2011-06-30 16:33:06 UTC


Commented susan in La Marina 2011-06-30 17:40:07 UTC

hear, hear

Commented susan in La Marina 2011-07-01 16:01:33 UTC

The Blackbull Steakhouse and Bar

Friday is Fish and Chip Special.... Cod in homemade batter with homemade chips, peas, bread and butter all for 5.95€ Leave the car at home and book our courtesy busy for a free pickup and drop off and take advantage of our cheap drink prices. Budweiser 1€ and Vodka/red bull 2.80€... Come and have some pre fiesta cheap drinks... All enquiries and bookings can be done on 966842079, have a nice weekend!


Is there any local Publishers out there who wont rip people off or just a small buiness who believe in what they do ?
If so I have a beautiful story waiting to be Published.

isnt there an ad on this site from linda sage, looking for ten writers to participate in her new book ?

Commented we love it here in Quesada 2011-06-29 21:10:09 UTC

Yes I know, but this is a indipendant childrens book, It is my second book & want to give someone new to the Publishing world a chance.
Thank´s for you comment though & good luck to Linda in her project

Commented Sandra Bernice Knott in Quesada 2011-07-01 09:45:52 UTC


Are there any charities in the area for dogs? We would like a small dog and feel it would be nice to give a dog a home. Thanks


if you visit the SATS charity shop in Almoradi im sure they will be able to help you out

Commented cafe vienna in Quesada 2011-06-30 00:08:59 UTC

Hi Cafe Vienna,
Thank you for the information. Do you know whereabouts in Almoradi they are?

Commented js424400 in Almoradi 2011-06-30 07:34:56 UTC

hi the sats shop is on the same street as hiperber if you come out of the front door of the supermarket and turn left its only about 100 yards along the road one of our regulars works there so ill find out the times its open for you and let you know

Commented cafe vienna in Quesada 2011-06-30 12:59:59 UTC

Thanks a lot for your help.

Commented js424400 in Almoradi 2011-06-30 13:32:42 UTC

i spoke to tina tonight who works in the shop and she told me they are open from 10am till 2pm every day except sunday and the kennels are in dolores but if you go into the shop they will help you with any queries you may have hope this helps you

Commented cafe vienna in Quesada 2011-06-30 23:42:11 UTC

We visited Sats in Dolores to give them some money we collected fundraising and were very impressed with them. They have so many dogs that need re-homing so you will definitely find the one for you there. Good luck

Commented hattention in Almoradi 2011-07-01 09:40:34 UTC

The Blackbull Steakhouse and Bar

Friday is Fish and Chip Special.... Cod in homemade batter with homemade chips, peas, bread and butter all for 5.95€ Leave the car at home and book our courtesy busy for a free pickup and drop off and take advantage of our cheap drink prices. Budweiser 1€ and Vodka/red bull 2.80€... Come and have some pre fiesta cheap drinks... All enquiries and bookings can be done on 966842079, have a nice weekend!

The Blackbull Steakhouse and Bar

Friday is Fish and Chip Special.... Cod in homemade batter with homemade chips, peas, bread and butter all for 5.95€ Leave the car at home and book our courtesy busy for a free pickup and drop off and take advantage of our cheap drink prices. Budweiser 1€ and Vodka/red bull 2.80€... Come and have some pre fiesta cheap drinks... All enquiries and bookings can be done on 966842079, have a nice weekend!

The Blackbull Steakhouse and Bar

Friday is Fish and Chip Special.... Cod in homemade batter with homemade chips, peas, bread and butter all for 5.95€ Leave the car at home and book our courtesy busy for a free pickup and drop off and take advantage of our cheap drink prices. Budweiser 1€ and Vodka/red bull 2.80€... Come and have some pre fiesta cheap drinks... All enquiries and bookings can be done on 966842079, have a nice weekend!


Friday is Fish and Chip Special.... Cod in homemade batter with homemade chips, peas, bread and butter all for 5.95€ Leave the car at home and book our courtesy busy for a free pickup and drop off and take advantage of our cheap drink prices. Budweiser 1€ and Vodka/red bull 2.80€... Come and have some pre fiesta cheap drinks... All enquiries and bookings can be done on 966842079, have a nice weekend!

WANTED Long Term Rental Properties - Clients Waiting Now !!

Long Term Rental Properties WANTED Urgently

If you have a property here in the La Marina area that you wish to rent out on a Long Term Rental basis please let us know. We have many clients waiting. If you own a Holiday Home here and only use it a few times a year - why not get an Income and rent it out ?? Please e-mail [email protected] with your phone number and we will get back to you.

La Marina


Just like to know is there much for kids to do in the evenings to keep them entertained thanks

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